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Sharing is Caring…

My social media accounts have been inundated with wonderful videos of animals being rescued by amazing humans. I suppose that once you watch one, those clever little algorithms pick up on your interest and feed you what you’re craving.

Anyhoo, this one video about a rescued crow came out on top this week, not because of the human who rescued it, but because of the fantastic crow. If you want to watch it for yourself, click here. This bird is not only super intelligent, which I admired, but it was also super caring. 

And that’s what got me. The capacity of animals to look after others, even when they are others and not the same species. Then came the hoo-ha over plagiarism, and in stepped our community’s wise and wonderful crow, Jae

Plagiarism is a nightmare for creatives the world over, and it’s a constant, and very frustrating, “game” of whack-a-mole. The burden is our own. Until it wasn’t… when Jae spent the best part of her week scurrying down rabbit holes on our behalf like Alice in NastyLand. I don’t have many heroes. There aren’t that many people I admire or look up to, or people who impress me. But Jae does. Her selfless mining around the pit of despair that the internet can often be has benefitted me and so many other authors, saving us time, emotion, and pain. Plenty of pain.

So this is just a little note to say a huge thank you to a person who epitomises all that can be good about humanity. I hope you’ll share your thanks and love for her too ~ buying her books is a great place to start 🙂

author, lesbian, lesbian authors, Robyn Nyx, wifeandwife